
Best Gym Memberships With Personal Trainers in Santa Barbara: Reach Your Fitness Goals This Year

Gym memberships with personal trainers

Choosing the right workout plan from loads of free fitness content can feel like a chore. And that’s after you’ve already come into the club! Making things easier means reducing the number of choices you have to make after you lace up your trainers and step through the door. A personal trainer can help take the guesswork out of your workout. Plus, they help you maintain good form and ensure you’re working toward your goals, not shooting in the dark. 

Gym Memberships With Personal Trainers Help You Get The Correct Form

You can’t help what you don’t know. That’s where gym memberships with personal trainers come in! If you are new to fitness or want to build on your strong foundation, a personal trainer can help. One-on-one instruction provides the benefit of nutritional advice, injury prevention, and how to train around your goals. But one of the most important things trainers do is to help gym goers keep an eye on their form. 

Maintaining correct form is important for any exercise you do. As you train, having an extra set of eyes can help protect your spine and ensure you’re activating the right muscles to get the most from each repetition. Also, trainers can help you decide how many repetitions and sets of a movement are optimal for your end goals! 

Create A Workout Around Your Lifestyle, Not The Other Way Around 

What intimidates people about hiring a personal trainer is the misconception that a trainer will have an overbearing or pushy agenda. And certainly, those coaches are out there. But as for Santa Barbara Athletic Club, we value holistic wellness. 

Our trainers go beyond just the physical results. For example, before they pick up a dumbbell or demonstrate a lunge, they might ask you how many hours of sleep you’re getting or what kind of stress you are under at work. Dealing with the full picture of a person’s health allows our trainers to build a sustainable workout plan. And that means it works for the client, first and foremost. After getting a baseline, the next topic is personal goals. 

Get Those Goals And Wins That Are Important To You! 

Maybe you’re ramping up to get back into shape for rowing season. Maybe you want to train for your first marathon. Or you’re trying to strengthen an area of the body that is rehabilitating from an old injury. Whatever the case, our personal trainers want you to achieve those goals! Our trainers’ comprehensive fitness training, and the information they have collected in your sessions, help them to tailor an effective training plan. This means nothing is standing in the way of achieving what you set out to do. 

Santa Barbara Athletic Club Is Unlike Other Gym Memberships With Personal Trainers 

There’s nothing sweeter than checking an anticipated goal off your list. So if you’ve been waiting for this feeling of accomplishment, get ready to make it happen. Call Santa Barbara Athletic Club at (805) 966-6147 or fill out our contact form and we will connect you to someone who can answer your questions about booking a personal training session. It’s easier than you think to start with us, not to mention all of the extra luxury amenities (steam room and sauna, heated lap pool, in-club Cafe) included with membership!